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Very eye opening

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

So much just basic intelligence.

As with most of these courses, the majority of the content is not relevant to the work I do ! Much of it might be useful to school children .

It will help to learn SH

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very good .

Very well put together , easy to understand . Wasn’t too long as a course either !.

Very good

Easy to understand and you can go back and retake the lesson

One or two interesting points

I felt that alot of the information given,whilst very valid,should already be common sense and common practise for lone workers.I also felt that,to a vunerable person,alot of the information regarding staying safe outside of work hours could be quite harrowing particularly if,as the narrator says,the person has been previously involved in such instances.Very downbeat course,although i appreciate that the subject matter can cause concern.

great course and easy to understand

great course and easy to understand

do relate to this training, useful.

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

informative exciting and worthwhile

i think that the lone worker safety training was quite informative and exciting, because it was extremely informative and it taught me many aspects which was happening, such as the different rules of lone working and etc. I believe it was a very great and elevating session 5/5 thank you .

Simple to understand

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars