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I found this very a very helpful course

I really enjoyed completing this course and I'm hoping that it helps me in my volunteering role.


Some really useful key advice to take away.

good to aware of alone working

interesting subject

Infantile, condescending

There's a lot to be said for in-person training and suffering through one of these videos just reinforces that. I learned most of the points in this video 60 years ago watching the 'Tufty Club' as a child – they were probably more interesting as well.

Good to know tall this information

It`s good to know what to do and how needs to know you about you

Food for thought

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


It’s extremely irritating that you have broken this training into so many tiny pieces I have completed many similar trainings over the years in the NHS & elsewhere & yours is hands down the worst I appreciate that your want to ensure everyone is paying full attention to you, but life’s not like that It’s not like you’re saying anything earth shatteringly new or interesting Anyone with common sense would know this already

very informative

Very informative, easily accessible for people like me who has no IT skills.

to long to list to

course is great but is very long so you will loose interest

Training was straightforwar and easy to

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars