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Felt too long.

Why are there breaks in the course? If I need a break, I can switch it off. It felt like there was too little content for the duration of the course.

Not relevant

Looks great but didn't feel relevant at all to engineering instances of working alone

Really good

Great content and well presented

Covers a wide range of scenarios

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Don’t do it on a mobile when you can’t S

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Good informative course

This course in Lone working was good and helpful in reminding me who is responsible for completing a risk assessment and accident reporting. I found the course informative and straightforward to complete

Spelling error

On one of the slides the word 'complancy' was written. Needs to be corrected to say 'complacency'.

Loaded with useful tips when lone worki

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

nicely chunked info

– the initial login / log on was not straight forward, as the link sent by email didn't work. Perhaps better description of steps to be taken when first accessing the system. – The videos are good and info is relevant – some things (towards the end) about 'intervention' was intersting; something I hadn't considered as a saftey issue. – External links related to certain topics are good – I apprecated that fact that the overall time of the videos was indicated somewhere, allowing me to prepare mentally and going through in my time.

The course helped me quite well

There were a few questions that I wasn't sure about but now I know the answers.