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A worthwhile and informative course

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Gave me the opportunity to reflect

Gave me an opportunity to reflect, as the course provided informative information that you relate too in business/workplace and indeed private/home life situations. A very worthwhile course which I believe was long overdue.

Enjoyed it

Informative course. Course was easy to understand.

Very informative and well explained

Wasnt sure when we sourced this training for the team how well it would come across for everyone, but it has been received very well and certainly improved awareness.

informative and easily accessible

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very useful for home and work

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Raised awareness helps people.

Good to raise awareness and better understand what colleague, friends and family may be going through and how better to support them.

Very informative course

Very informative course with lots of additional recommendations and ideas.

A very well presented course

Good pace and well delivered. Very useful for all employees as awareness training

Every line manager would benefit

Even though this was only a basic training course, it is so informative, every line manager/HR manager would benefit. Would love to be able to have the chance to re take test again at another time as a refresher.