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Good to know what work should do to help

Although possibly a bit late in the day for me, it was useful in respect of how companies and line managers should support without being intrusive. Couple of things mentioned in relation to work which I wasn't aware of which may be of future use. Videos of women wiping their brows to signify hot flushes (I presume) and looking sad sat at their desks was a bit un-necessary and patronising in my opinion. However, my conclusion is that anything that raises the profile of menopause can only be beneficial to both female and male members of staff

Very informative and a good length

Great insight into something everyone in the workplace needs to be aware of – lots of useful tips and guides to help us create a supportive workplace policy

Excellent overview

Excellent overview of the subject and now to find the Company Policy and Risk Assessment.

Menopause in the work place

Easy to understand what business responsibilities are


Very informative & beneficial for line managers especially considering this can occur at any age and can be gender neutral depending on individual circumstances.

Good course

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


Great tips to guide managers and what to look out for

Very in depth & helpful.

Very helpful for me to understand as my wife is going through this at the moment. Thank you & keep up the great work.

Excellent training

Pitched at the right level with a variety of important topics covered, honestly, sympathetically and professionally Thanks


This is a great course for highlighting awareness on this topic. It's particularly useful for line managers and HR.