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well delivered and makes you think

really well delivered and makes you think deeply about your own mental health as well as others.

Helpful and practical information

Useful information for managers and quite practical

Time well spent, very good.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Course contains experiences I've had

Easy to understand format which gave me some pointers on how I should treat my team. Also reinforces how well I was dealt with earlier in the year by my manager when I was suffering, what I now no to be a example of poor mental and physical health.

Mental health is super important

Enjoyed it but very long and drawn out

Excellent insight and great videos

The two people that delivered this course were brilliant, enthusiastic, passionate and didn't feel mundane. Would recommend :)


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Really helpful

A lot of very good and useful information, all condensed well so it's easy to take on board

Great test easy to understand


well done

can we have more test