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Simple and straightforward.

Not too much jargon or over complication of nerodiverse conditions. Simple, 'bite sized' chunks of information, making it easier to remember and retain.

Very interesting course

Great that at last companies can be made aware of the benefits of all ondividuals.

Too long with little practical advice

This course provided a high level summary of neurodivergence but, despite it being nearly 1 hour long, didn't really provide much in the way of practical advice for supporting neuro-diverse teams in the workplace.

Nicely comprehensive & engaging

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Valuable training

Having personal experiences of neurodiversity I feel it's of high importance that awareness is shared so that there is a greater understanding of neurodiversity and that many myths are dispelled. Everyone has something to give and everyone deserves the same opportunities.

Great Content

Great content and easy to follow.

I found some decriptions offensive

This user gave this course a rating of 2/5 stars

An OK introduction

Tries to gloss over some complex theoretical details (which are better ignored at this level of training), but gives insufficient emphasis to practical details – such as recognising neurodivergent behaviours and traits in yourself and others, and handling and adapting to such behaviours and traits. Does not recognise or acknowledge that EVERY person has some degree of neurodivergence (in my opinion anyway!). Unless we work in an educational or medical setting, we are unlikely to encounter the more extreme forms of neurodivergence, because (rightly or wrongly) people with those extreme forms are unlikely to be offered roles as our colleagues or to turn up as our customers. Therefore an emphasis in the training on those extreme forms may not be too relevant to most of us. Those working in educational and medical settings are far more likely to encounter the extreme forms in their 'subjects', and would need far more specialised and in-depth training in this area. All that said, this course does a fair job of introducing the subject.


Really informative

Interesting insight

Interesting insight into the various issues – I managed to get a better understanding of many of the conditions specified & the stigma's surrounding those