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A very good course, well presented, clear concise., detailed. Only had problems with the playing of the videos, so had to halt then continue with the course. Easy to follow. Enjoyable to do.

Excellent course

I was surprised with question 12. I would have thought that one would have raised the abuse question sensitively with the child before going to DSL. I acknowledge that if the child raises it one then involves DSL Anyway very thorough and practical

Enjoyed it

Brilliant.Well presented

Very comprehensive

A good and easily understood course, constructed and delivered well

Easy to follow

Much better than a previous safeguarding course which I completed. Based on day-to-day scenarios rather than academic facts about individual laws, this course tackles the practicalities, which is what my group needs.


There was a lot of detail on the course which if you spend more time with children than I do, would be very useful. I do think more questions during the presentation would be useful and help retain focus.


I thought that this course was informative and a great reminder of all the safeguarding i have learnt over the years. Having videos to watch and listen to makes it easier to retain the information, as it is a long section. Also having the ability to stop and go back to the course is great as it fits in with work and home life.

Engaging and a good pace

This raining is ideal for a busy practitioner. The presentation was detailed and clear with many supporting resources for quick reference after the training. I have done many compliance courses over my career but this was definitely the best yet!


very good course easy to understand

very informative

engaging and informative information provided with a lot of additional information that can further your learning in the subject