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I like that it's a video and transcript, giving people more option as to how they want to learn. The speaker is very clear and very easy to listen to; she sounds as if she is personally speaking to you. I like that it is divided into small sections and that it does ask questions to make you think throughout the learning. It gives you all the information you need, without being too long or boring.

Good training course

it was a good training course and I thought as I do not work with children it may have been difficult but it was very good

A lot to remember.

Perhaps the quiz could be broken down a bit into sections?

Very Educative

I have learnt so much in this training that will enhance the way i look at safeguarding henceforth.All the 57 slides were worth looking at and making notes for my records for future reference.Thanks very much

Easy to understand

Very informative

User friendly

Was user friendly , informative which improved my basic knowledge

Clear, easy to understand, nice videos

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

A good and useful course

A very good course, covering all that most non-specialist people need. A lot of very good, informative and useful links

Very thorough and engaging

This course was very thorough in the content and the delivery is engaging.

Clear and comprehensive

I was very impressed with this course. The information was delivered very clearly and concisely. Excellent content and so easy to navigate.