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Very thorough

Contains everything you need for safr recruitment.

Great information, thank you

Thank you for this important information, and easy to follow course.

Very Informative.

I would recommend this training for anyone who is part of their recruitment selection process.

course was informative

The slide kept on sticking, which made the course seem longer than necessary

easy to understand

easy to understand and not bombarded with jargon.

the videos are easy to watch and clear.

The content was clear but I couldn't find a way to print off the slides for future reference. Additionally, the tab for the link to access the Safer recruitment document wasn't working either, an error message kept popping up.

Thorough overview of the issues

Very useful course covering all aspects of safeguarding during the process of recruiting and employing school staff.


A good refresher to remind me of the steps and importance of safer recruitment

clear and easy to follow

the information regarding right to work for overseas staff needs updating regarding requirement for share code. Visas are no longer acceptable check