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Succinct relevant raises awareness
Good training on sexual harassment succinct and too the point would encourage me to report if anything untoward happened at work.
Good advice
This course just confirmed exactly what I know and understand about this topic
Addressing the grey areas is key – this course does this succinctly
Great insight into the variability of what is harrassment
I thought it was informative and varied. It covered all of the many ways these situations can occur and displayed that sexual harassment isn't always overt. I may have missed it in the examples but I didn't notice a same-sex example. Not to say that it is completely necessary to add, I still think that it gets the point across via the heteronormative worldview. Thank you for teaching me about the complexity that can come with sexual harassment.
Great for employees who do not have life experience
This a great course for people who do not have life experience. As an older person i did understand the reasoning of this
This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars
Clear and sensitively presented
A clear and well-presented course on a potentially sensitive subject. Clear and well-chosen examples.
Did what it said at the beginning of the video and highlighted the grey areas.
This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars
It was a very good course
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Great editing, clear, hard to not engage with
This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars