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A very well balanced course

Sensible level of detail and balanced across male / female behaviours. It was useful to show that welcomed behaviour is acceptable and is not harassment as I know this can confuse my younger colleagues

Precise and clear

The topic is precise and clear. Helpful to understand the deeper form of sexual harassment.

Positive, enlightening

Good course. Highlighted Sexual Harassment by proxy as well as direct Harassment as well as the fact that you can experience Sexual Harassment even though it was not meant intentionally. Could have added a section on Culture of Sexual Harassment which is still evident in some organisations e.g. 'Boys Club' mentality.

Fine. Exactly the same as last year

No new content from last year made this a chore. Not being able to read the material instead of watching the videos was painful. Content was fine.

Straightforward and objective.

It was clear and concise. Also not too long, about 1/2 hour including the test, meaning you don't lose concentration.

Very straight-forward course

Very straight-forward course providing good examples of what does and does not constitute sexual harassment in the workplace and how to deal with harassers.

Informative and useful

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

More effective

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Defines the difference

Really informative with good examples. The grey area's that I previously perceived are now clear cut for me.