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Very informative

This course gave clear scenarios to explain what is and is not considered as sexual harassment, and gave good examples what do if you found yourself in this situation.

Good & straight forward course.

This Sexual Harassment Awareness Training course, was good & straight forward to the point. It detailed what Sexual Harassment is, giving practical examples in both an office and out of office environment. In addition, it balanced it out with examples of what Sexual Harassment is not. The guiding videos further enhanced my learning through visuals. Well done guys!!!

A simple to follow course

The course was very well put together and was easy to follow.

Straightforward and easy to follow

Short course – straight to the point. Easy to understand language. Gained a full understanding at end of course.

Question 10

I disagree with the answer sexual harassment policy. I believe if you are the victim of sexual topic you would report it to Hr and let them investigate as opposed to reading the manual. We are not best placed to formally and emotionally make judgement. HR or a manager in my opinion would first port of call to discuss in confidence.

Very informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


This user gave this course a rating of 1/5 stars

Clear and direct

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

It was good

Clear,concise,informative andeasy to follow

Excellent clear and concise

This is a valuable and useful course for everyone.