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A varied selection of information

An informative course. Covering all work settings.

It was informative and well presented

The training was interesting, with some useful pointers on how to avoid or deal with issues which may arise.

Good content but annoying interface

The need to click next after every short video clip – some of which were only 30 seconds – was very irritating, and broke up the flow of the course. Twenty-eight different segments each of which required an interaction was excessive and quite annoying, and actually broke focus rather than maintaining it.

Not all appropriate for a school environ

Probably only 50% applicable

Great training module

A very interesting training module.


A great update and knowledge provided on this subject.

Very interesting

It's very important to understand the awareness of children's needs and importants of neglect abuse and physical bullying

Bloody brilliant

Oh wow. Loved it, just really loved it. Hope we have more of these to do.

Very clear and precise

Spoke very clearly when presenting, easy to understand, excellent training.

Very interesting

My opinion on the course was I never actually thought about the dangers