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Too much listening

The course has some useful ideas, but a lot of listening and not many practical activities. It didn't challenge me – if I was sceptical about the existence or importance of unconscious bias I don't think I'd have changed my mind.

thought provoking

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

very proffesional

The presentation of the course was very clear and easy to understand thanks to the actors performing the trainers.

Enjoyed the session

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Eye opener

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

This is good course addressing the bias

This course about unconscious bias involves raising awareness, providing education and training, and fostering an inclusive environment where individuals can recognize and mitigate their biases. The course is designed to help individuals and companies address unconscious bias through a three-step process represented by the acronym "ACT": Acknowledging, Challenging, and Training. 1. Acknowledging: This step involves recognizing and accepting the existence of unconscious biases. Acknowledging biases is the first crucial step towards addressing them, as it requires individuals to be honest and self-aware about their preconceived notions. 2. Challenging: Once biases are acknowledged, the next step is to challenge and question them. This involves critically examining one's own thought processes and questioning whether certain beliefs or assumptions are fair and accurate. Challenging biases helps individuals disrupt automatic patterns of thinking. 3. Training: The training component suggests that individuals need to actively engage in learning and development to rewire their thinking patterns. This could involve education on diversity, and inclusion, as well as specific techniques and strategies to reduce unconscious bias. Ongoing training helps individuals develop the skills and awareness needed to foster a more inclusive and unbiased mindset. By following the ACT approach, the course aims to prevent the negative impact of unconscious bias and promote diversity. This comprehensive strategy recognizes the importance of both individual awareness and organizational efforts to create an environment that values and supports diversity and inclusion.

Over all Good for understanding biases.

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

Training session is good and must have.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Much was spent on unconscious thinking and the various categories were rushed through and it wad overwhelming. That affected my ability to answer the test.

Course was a bit basic

The course was a bit basic and designed for one size fits all. I felt I was being stereotyped and my individual understanding of the subject was not being considered. Maybe presenting the test before the course would be good to either set the level or fast track those already aware of the topic. This is a university and you might credit participants with intelligence. Images of brains and ideas as drawers adds little to the ideas being put across and more suitable to explain concepts children. The presenter was very good but the content less so in places