About Dorking Nursery School

With their staff working very closely with children, there are lots of statutory training courses that staff need to undertake. They chose to cover the majority of this training online with iHasco and have been working towards compliance through our training courses for over 9 years!

Some of the courses Dorking Nursery use to create a safer environment for staff and children alike include Safeguarding Children, Food Safety & Hygiene, Safer Recruitment, and Display Screen Equipment Training.

We caught up with Janine Young (Centre Secretary at Dorking Nursery) to get her thoughts on our system and our service.

  • Sector: Education
  • Founded: 1939
  • No. of employees: 10+
  • Location: Dorking, United Kingdom

What stood out for you when looking at iHasco?

“It’s a simple system for staff to access – the dashboard is clear and easy to use – as well as it being useful for an administrator to monitor staff progress.”

What's your favourite thing about iHasco?

“The customer support staff at iHasco are consistently polite and cheerful and action requests promptly. A quick email with details of a new member of staff to our personal Account Manager (Georgia) will result in a new user being set up and ready to use almost immediately. They have been able to take into account our limited budget as a state-maintained nursery and price us accordingly. I would definitely recommend them for this type of training.”