About Abbeycroft Leisure and their training with iHasco

Abbeycroft Leisure partnered with iHasco back in 2013 and they use a range of our courses, including Food Safety & Hygiene Level 2, Manual Handling, and COSHH training to keep on top of their Health and Safety responsibilities.

We caught up with Emma Haley, Strategy and Policy Officer at Abbeycroft Leisure to discuss staff training and their experiences with iHasco so far…

  • Sector: Hospitality/Charity
  • Founded: 2004
  • No. of employees: 250+
  • Location: Suffolk, United Kingdom

Why is staff training important for you at Abbeycroft Leisure?

Staff training is really important to Abbeycroft Leisure because it underpins our workforce’s ability to do their jobs safely and with a good knowledge base in all the core areas we would expect.

Training our staff means that as a business, we can have confidence in their understanding, knowledge, and ability to do their jobs to a high standard. Abbeycroft won the Community Leisure Workforce Development Award in 2019, demonstrating the commitment we have to our staff.

As a social enterprise investing in our staff as well as our communities is important to us and iHasco has its role in helping us to do that.

How do you use iHasco as part of your H&S/HR training strategy?

iHasco forms part of our staff induction, it is vital that our staff feel equipped and empowered to do their job well, both for our customers, and for their own safety and wellbeing. The training gives us, as the employer, peace of mind that we have a robust and skilled workforce with the most up to date and relevant training they need.

Our Health & Safety responsible officer is able to check training progress and pass rates easily to help identify where further support may be needed, and our Data Protection Officer is able to monitor Data Protection training progress and pass rates. It is also easy for us to manage annual renewal training that is set up as an automatic process in the system.

What made you choose iHasco? Did anything stand out above all else?

iHasco is an accessible platform that offers a great variety of training modules, covering all our business needs. It is a one stop shop for all the standard training requirements we have, with the option to tap into more specialist training. Our account manager is always on hand to help and support where needed which makes the relationship between customer and client so much easier. iHasco offers us the control we need, within a flexible system that always delivers.