About Prezzo and their training with iHasco

Prezzo partnered with iHasco in 2020 and use a range of our Health & Safety and Compliance courses, including Food Safety & Hygiene Level 3, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, and GDPR training.

We caught up with Hayley Moosa, Head of HR at Prezzo to discuss staff training and their experience with iHasco so far…

  • Sector: Hospitality
  • Founded: 3,000+
  • No. of employees: 250+
  • Location: UK & Ireland

Why is staff training important to you at Prezzo?

One of our values is “be the best you can be”. Offering training in a variety of ways either online, face to face, or through audio, ensures we appeal to the different ways of learning. iHasco has allowed us to reach more people with more training. We always want to develop our teams internally so that career pathways within Prezzo are seen as achievable. In terms of wellbeing, learning new skills is one of the 5 key ways we can support our team’s mental health. Online training has allowed Prezzo to continue this over the last few months.

How do you use iHasco as part of your H&S/HR training strategy?

We have a rounded approach with visible health & safety advisors visiting sites, but iHasco allows us to reach more people, as well as track progress. It’s great that refresher training happens automatically, which is efficient and timely. The online portal provides a great user experience.

Were iHasco able to assist you throughout the pandemic?

Yes, as a key part of our wellbeing strategy allowing people to learn new skills. Keeping colleagues engaged on furlough was a real challenge and this was one way to let our teams know we were still investing in them and thinking about their development.

What made you choose iHasco? Did anything stand out above all else?

Reputation, accredited learning, a simple platform, a great account manager, and support integrating iHasco with our internal platform to allow us to easily report – you kept it simple, and easy to use – thank you!