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Example Fraud Policy

It’s good practice for organisations to have a written Fraud Policy stating a zero-tolerance to fraud, explaining what constitutes fraud and the consequences if an employee commits a fraudulent act.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Terrorism Act

There are different UK laws designed to DETER financial crime, DETECT abuse of the financial system and DISRUPT criminal activity. This resource provides some information about the Terrorism Act.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Seeking Consent for a Suspicious Transaction

In a situation where there’s advance knowledge of a suspicious transaction the nominated officer must ask for permission to go ahead with the transaction.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Politically Exposed Person

A Politically Exposed Person is someone who is, or has, at any time in the preceding year, been entrusted with a prominent public function by a state; a community institution; or international body.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Money Laundering Regulations

There are many UK laws designed to DETER financial crime, DETECT abuse of the financial system and DISRUPT criminals. The Money Laundering Regulations is the most important law relating to laundering.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Money Laundering Offences

This resource provides information about the different Money Laundering Offences and the penalties for committing them.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Location

Think about where your customer’s transactions are taking place.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Individuals not Resident in the UK

Customers not resident in the UK may have documents in a foreign language – you must satisfy yourself that they really do prove the customer’s identity.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Identity

You should be aware of your customers at all times. Our resource lists things that should raise your suspicions.

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Anti-Money Laundering – External Suspicious Activity Report

It’s the nominated officer’s job to make an EXTERNAL Suspicious Activity Report if, after assessing an INTERNAL Suspicious Activity Report, they decide it’s necessary. Here’s a some more information..

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Anti-Money Laundering – Counter Terrorism Act

There are different UK laws designed to DETER financial crime, DETECT abuse of the financial system and DISRUPT criminal activity. This resource provides information about the Counter Terrorism Act.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Behaviour

Be aware of odd behaviour, such as transactions or activities which seem unusual for your business, or for the customer involved. This resource shows suspicious activity you should look out for.

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