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Anti-Money Laundering – Terrorism Act

There are different UK laws designed to DETER financial crime, DETECT abuse of the financial system and DISRUPT criminal activity. This resource provides some information about the Terrorism Act.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Politically Exposed Person

A Politically Exposed Person is someone who is, or has, at any time in the preceding year, been entrusted with a prominent public function by a state; a community institution; or international body.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Money Laundering Regulations

There are many UK laws designed to DETER financial crime, DETECT abuse of the financial system and DISRUPT criminals. The Money Laundering Regulations is the most important law relating to laundering.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Money Laundering Offences

This resource provides information about the different Money Laundering Offences and the penalties for committing them.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Location

Think about where your customer’s transactions are taking place.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Individuals not Resident in the UK

Customers not resident in the UK may have documents in a foreign language – you must satisfy yourself that they really do prove the customer’s identity.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Identity

You should be aware of your customers at all times. Our resource lists things that should raise your suspicions.

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Anti-Money Laundering – External Suspicious Activity Report

It’s the nominated officer’s job to make an EXTERNAL Suspicious Activity Report if, after assessing an INTERNAL Suspicious Activity Report, they decide it’s necessary. Here’s a some more information..

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Anti-Money Laundering – Counter Terrorism Act

There are different UK laws designed to DETER financial crime, DETECT abuse of the financial system and DISRUPT criminal activity. This resource provides information about the Counter Terrorism Act.

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Anti-Money Laundering – Behaviour

Be aware of odd behaviour, such as transactions or activities which seem unusual for your business, or for the customer involved. This resource shows suspicious activity you should look out for.

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Handling Discipline & Grievances – An Overview

This document provides two easy-to-follow flow charts for handling both a Disciplinary Procedure and a Grievance Procedure.

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Grievance Procedure

This one-page document provides a concise yet thorough explanation on how to conduct a three-stage Grievance Procedure, and what to expect from the process.

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Employees – If You Have a Grievance

This document is perfect as a quick point of reference. It provides a simple overview of the six stages involved in undertaking a Grievance Process.

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Bullying Disciplinary Procedure

This document covers the three-stage Disciplinary Procedure, including the potential outcomes from the process. One page, lots of detail, and very easy to follow.

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COSHH Hazard Symbols

The GHS and CLP regulations use various symbols to identify the hazards that are posed by different chemicals, find out what they are in this useful resource.

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People at Risk in a Fire Emergency

The risk assessment must pay particular attention to people who may be particularly at risk in a fire situation. They could include…

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Common warning signs of abuse in children

This resource shows the common signs of abuse. If you recognise any of these signs in a child, regardless of whether you suspect a particular type of abuse or not, you need to respond appropriately.

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The Triple-Filter Test

A quick reminder of three important questions before you let negative thoughts escalate into conflict!

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A poster to encourage people to wash their hands.

A poster to encourage people to wash their hands.

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Prevent Spreading Germs Poster

A poster to encourage people to dispose of bacteria from sneezes properly.

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Face Masks & Respirators

A useful resource including the dos, don'ts and step-by-steps for donning and doffing. This PDF is useful for anyone who has to wear a face mask as part of their work.

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DSE – The New Normal

By constantly reminding yourself about your posture, you will create a good natural posture. Place this poster in your workplace to remind your staff how they should be sat at their desk!

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DSE – Check your posture

This resource would be useful to have as a poster in your office to remind people about their posture. Constantly being reminded about your posture might enable you to adopt a healthier posture.

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Most common food allergens

This document is perfect to pin up on a notice board at school for teachers and pupils alike.

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Common symptoms of a MILD or MODERATE allergic reaction

A little reminder of the most common symptoms of a mild or moderate allergic reaction, so you know what to look out for in a child with allergies.

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Common warning signs of abuse in children

This resource shows the common signs of abuse. If you recognise any of these signs in a child, regardless of whether you suspect a particular type of abuse or not, you need to respond appropriately.

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Waste Hierarchy Pyramid

This waste hierarchy should be put up in the workplace as a reminder to employees of what to do with their waste. Think about whether you can prevent binning, or how you could reuse it.

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Types of Plastic

There are 7 types of recyclable plastic that you can get and only some of these will be collected by your local recycling collection services.

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Fire Safety Awareness Poster

Here are some simple preventative tips to keep our business fire-safe…

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When Should You Call the Fire Service

This free printable PDF gives clear guidance on the process which should be followed when calling the fire service.

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The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came into force on the 1st of October 2006 and repeals and revokes all previous fire legislation in England and Wales.

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AFFF Foam Fire Extinguishers

AFFF (Aqueous Film Forming Foam) fire extinguishers are ideal for any office environment.

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People at Risk in a Fire Emergency

The risk assessment must pay particular attention to people who may be particularly at risk in a fire situation. They could include…

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Fire Extinguishers Chart

The extinguishers chart provides a simple look-up table reminding you which fire extinguisher is suitable for which class of fire.

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Day to Day good practice for GDPR

If your job involves handling personal information then you have a responsibility to ensure that this data is kept private and confidential.

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Manual Handling Poster

Show employees the 12 steps to safe manual handling with this free poster.

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How to stop spreading germs

Researchers at the University of Bristol found the average sneeze or cough can send around 100,000 contagious germs into the air. Useful poster for workplaces to stop people from spreading germs.

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Fire Extinguishers Chart

The extinguishers chart provides a simple look-up table reminding you which fire extinguisher is suitable for which class of fire.

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Workshop Safety Rules – WHILE YOU’RE WORKING

While working in your workshop there are eight basic things you must make sure you do. This downloadable resource can be printed out and used as a reminder!

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Workshop Safety Rules – WHEN YOU FINISH

When you finish in the workshop there are three basic things you must remember to do. This downloadable resource can be printed out and used as a reminder!

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Workshop Safety Rules – THINGS YOU MUST NEVER DO

When working in workshop there are certain things you must NEVER DO. This downloadable resource can be printed out and used as a reminder!

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Workshop Safety Rules – BEFORE YOU START

When you start work in the workshop there are four basic things you must make sure you do. This downloadable resource can be printed out and used as a reminder!

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LITE Assessment Reminder

This poster can be used around your workplace to remind people who are carrying out manual handling tasks to assess the load, individual, task and environment.

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Powerzone Chart

The Powerzone chart contains guidelines for lifting and lowering safely. Working within the guidelines reduces the risk, but does not guarantee your complete safety.

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Tips to Reducing Anxiety

We’ve listed some tips for you to explore which can help to reduce feelings of anxiety. We recommend that you take a look in your spare time when you can move at your own pace.

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Face Masks & Respirators

A useful resource including the dos, don'ts and step-by-steps for donning and doffing. This PDF is useful for anyone who has to wear a face mask as part of their work.

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Face Masks & Respirators

A useful resource including the dos, don'ts and step-by-steps for donning and doffing. This PDF is useful for anyone who has to wear a face mask as part of their work.

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Common Warning Signs of Abuse or Neglect in Children

A useful poster for those working with young and vulnerable children to help spot the common warning signs of abuse or neglect in children.

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Symptoms of Diabetes – The FOUR T’s

There are over 4 MILLION people with diabetes in the UK; that’s around 1 in every 16 people.

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Recovery Position

An easy to follow step-by-step for putting a child in the Recovery Position (for when they are unconscious but still breathing).

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Most common food allergens

This document is perfect to pin up on a notice board at school for teachers and pupils alike.

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Common symptoms of a MILD or MODERATE allergic reaction

A little reminder of the most common symptoms of a mild or moderate allergic reaction, so you know what to look out for in a child with allergies.

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