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Documents & other resources


Respectful Workplace – Checklist

This simple checklist is the perfect prompt to assess the level of respectful behaviour in your workplace. It will quickly highlight what’s working well and what needs improving.

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Handling Discipline & Grievances – An Overview

This document provides two easy-to-follow flow charts for handling both a Disciplinary Procedure and a Grievance Procedure.

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Grievance Procedure

This one-page document provides a concise yet thorough explanation on how to conduct a three-stage Grievance Procedure, and what to expect from the process.

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Employees – If You Have a Grievance

This document is perfect as a quick point of reference. It provides a simple overview of the six stages involved in undertaking a Grievance Process.

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Bullying Disciplinary Procedure

This document covers the three-stage Disciplinary Procedure, including the potential outcomes from the process. One page, lots of detail, and very easy to follow.

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Bullying and Harassment Risk Assessment

This document covers the eight major factors to review when conducting a Bullying and Harassment Risk Assessment in the workplace.

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