Frequently asked questions

Documents & other resources


DSE – The New Normal

By constantly reminding yourself about your posture, you will create a good natural posture. Place this poster in your workplace to remind your staff how they should be sat at their desk!

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DSE – Check your posture

This resource would be useful to have as a poster in your office to remind people about their posture. Constantly being reminded about your posture might enable you to adopt a healthier posture.

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White Papers/Guides

Workstation & Equipment Cleaning

The average work desk is 400 times dirtier than the average toilet seat… yuk! Ensure that employees have a clean and tidy workstation to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.

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DSE & Workstation Checklist for Staff

A printable checklist for staff including questions on their monitors, chairs, mouse, keyboard, laptops and the environment around them.

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