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White Papers/Guides

An Overview of the GDPR

The GDPR was enforced on the 25th of May 2018 and was introduced to unify and strengthen data protection for everyone.

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GDPR Checklist

Review the risks to data your organisation faces and assess whether the measures you have in place are up to the task of preventing them.

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White Papers/Guides

The Six Lawful Bases for Processing Data

Find out more about the Six Lawful Bases for processing personal data.

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GDPR Accountability checklist

Accountability is arguably the most important principle of the GDPR. Accountability is all about demonstrating that you’re complying with the GDPR.

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Day to Day good practice for GDPR

If your job involves handling personal information then you have a responsibility to ensure that this data is kept private and confidential.

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Data Protection Principles

Everyone who uses personal data must follow strict rules and you’ll learn about these as the principles of data protection.

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Rights over your personal data

The GDPR covers personal data about an identifiable, living person. It can be anything from a name, a photo, an email address, a person’s bank details, posts on social media, medical information, etc.

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