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Health & Safety Checklist

Download our free Health & Safety checklist to ensure a safe work environment and see which tasks you need to complete to keep employees safe.

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White Papers/Guides

Manufacturing Health & Safety Checks

We've partnered with Citation to provide you with a short guide to help with Manufacturing Health & Safety checks.

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White Papers/Guides

What Health and Safety roles and responsibilities does my business need to consider?

We've put together this guide, in partnership with Citation, to help businesses understand their Health & Safety roles and responsibilities.

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White Papers/Guides

How to reduce Health & Safety and HR costs and improve employee retention with training

In a recent survey, we found a number of areas we have helped our clients to reduce costs and help them to improve employee retention. Here's how…

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Manual Handling Poster

Show employees the 12 steps to safe manual handling with this free poster.

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White Papers/Guides

A beginners guide to COSHH

We've partnered with Citation to provide you with a short guide on COSHH, the dangers of hazardous substances and how you can take the stress out of COSHH.

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White Papers/Guides

An introduction to tendering

In partnership with Citation, we've produced this guide to provide a refresher on tendering skills so you can learn how to effectively complete tender applications and stand out from the competition.

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White Papers/Guides

How prepared is your business for challenges?

In this guide, together with Citation's experts, we've created a checklist to help businesses determine if they are prepared for challenges or if there is room for improvement.

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White Papers/Guides

Understanding the benefits of ISO Certification

To help you gain a better understanding of the benefits of ISO accreditation's download this free guide put together by Citation's experts.

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White Papers/Guides

Health & Safety communication and engagement

This guide looks at what the law says about engaging with your people on Health & Safety issues, as well as effective communication methods.

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White Papers/Guides

Managing Legionella in your workplace

Together with Citation, we've put together this guide covering your responsibilities as an employer, as well as considerations for your Legionella risk assessment.

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White Papers/Guides

The Hierarchy of Hazard Control

As part of the 5 steps of risk assessment, step 3 "Control the risks" states that you need to decide which preventative measures to use to control the risks and reduce them.

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White Papers/Guides

5 Steps to Risk Assessments

This resource from our Risk Assessment Training takes you through a simple, widely used, step-by-step risk assessment process, which can be applied to most workplaces.

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How to stop spreading germs

Researchers at the University of Bristol found the average sneeze or cough can send around 100,000 contagious germs into the air. Useful poster for workplaces to stop people from spreading germs.

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White Papers/Guides

Powerzone Chart

The Powerzone chart contains guidelines for lifting and lowering safely. Working within the guidelines reduces the risk, but does not guarantee your complete safety.

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Fire Extinguishers Chart

The extinguishers chart provides a simple look-up table reminding you which fire extinguisher is suitable for which class of fire.

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White Papers/Guides

Fire Classifications Chart

This free printable PDF explains the different fire classifications including classes A, B, C, D, F and Electrical.

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Employee Accident Report Form

This form, which can be downloaded and filled-in by hand, can be used by all employees to report Accidents, Ill-health or near-misses in the workplace.

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A Cleaning Checklist for Kitchens

A simple cleaning checklist for all kitchens to use!

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Lone Worker Checklist

Learners can download and fill out this checklist electronically (or manually if preferred) which will help learners to assess their current situation and spot any areas for improvement.

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Lone Working Policy Template

This is an example containing suggestions of actions that may be taken to help Lone Workers remain safe. It's by no means an exhaustive list.

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White Papers/Guides

Health & Safety enforcements – what to look out for

We look at how employers can reduce Health & Safety and HR costs through training…

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