Nathan has been involved in the digital media and eLearning industry for 24 years, running his own business for 10 years prior to joining iHasco. As MD at iHasco, Nathan is responsible for the overall management and long term strategy of our business.

Find out more about Nathan Pitman

When did you join iHasco?

I joined iHasco in a full time capacity in February 2015 as a Creative/Technical Director and then moved into my current role as Managing Director in January 2020. However I had worked with iHasco as an external digital strategy partner since 2005.

What do you do at iHasco?

I’m responsible for the overall management of our business, our vision and long term strategy for the future. I work with senior leaders in our business and across the wider Citation Group to ensure that we achieve our goals.

What did you want to do when you were at school?

At a Primary School age I distinctly remember a desire to become an automotive designer, I used to wake up early on Saturday mornings so I could spend as much time as possible drawing cars.

What do you get up to when you’re not at iHasco?

Between myself and my partner we have 5 children and two dogs so there's not much free time for anything else. When I do get a spare moment though I'm usually ogling cars on AutoTrader or dreaming up my next home improvement project.

Where in the world would you most like to go?

My parents house in the south of France. Lots of memories from my child hood… silence, sun and a swimming pool.

Favourite food?

Anything I haven’t cooked.

Tell us something we don’t know about you?

At college I was nicknamed 'The Guvner'. Something to do with the fact that I always took the lead in team projects I think. A fairly high percentage of the students and staff never knew my real name.

Favourite book or movie?

Book – has to be 'Rework' by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson. Movie – Has to be the Fifth Element by Luc Besson.

Recent articles by Nathan Pitman

Big news: Careskills Academy is now part of our family!

We're excited to announce a significant expansion in our capabilities, making us not only larger but also substantially more robust in the Health and Care eLearning sector. That’s right – Careskills Academy is now officially a part of iHasco!

Unexpected downtime, Monday 17th of January

At 1 pm today we became aware of some unexpected performance issues with our application which are still persisting. As a result access to your LMS may be temporarily disabled while we work on a fix.

Upcoming improvements to the user, results and assessments views in the LMS

As the iHasco course library has grown, we’ve seen more and more clients realise the value of eLearning. It's also highlighted just how restrictive some of our LMS reporting features have been for businesses with more than a handful of courses. So we've changed some things.

Q2 2020 Product Development Update

It hardly seems possible but a full 91 days have passed since our last quarterly product update and during that time everyone here at iHasco has been working at home after we closed the office at the end of March. You'll be glad to know that this hasn't stopped us from delivering a whole host of new features so without further ado here's your quarterly update on (almost) everything that's changed.

Our new organisational segments editor

Organisational segments provide a neat way to divide and categorise your users. You can also assign additional LMS administrators to manage particular segments. Previously segments could only include a single rule. As of today you can now create complex segments with ease using our new organisational segment editor.

Introducing user notes

We've just added a new feature to the LMS which gives LMS administrators the ability to record short notes against specific users on their individual user profile page. Notes are visible only to you and other LMS administrators.

Notice of changes to how we serve video

We offer clients a choice between using our primary video CDN (Vimeo) and our alternative video CDN (Amazon Cloudfront). Most clients find that there are no issues with Vimeo but on occasion we've seen technical problems with video playback via Vimeo for older devices and so have switched clients to use our alternative video CDN.

Q1 2020 Product Development Update

It's been a busy start to the year with lots of work going on behind the scenes in the product development team. Much of our time has been consumed by the project we are undertaking to overhaul the DSE assessment tool and we've also made a start on a project to improve the live reporting views in the LMS. Yes – this means you'll eventually be able to click on the doughnut segments on the dashboard!

Business as usual for iHasco

We've been actively monitoring the situation with regards to the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Our top priority is to ensure the welfare of our employees whilst also ensuring that we will continue to maintain the exceptional level of service that our clients have come to expect from us.

Q4 2019 Product Development Update

We've shipped some pretty great new features over the last 3 months and although we've already spoken a fair bit about these on the blog, as ever here's your quarterly update on (almost) everything that's changed in the last 91 days.

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At iHasco we believe in building a business that puts our people at the very heart of what we do. Do you want to join our team?