Professionalism in the Workplace Training Image
Professionalism in the Workplace Training Image

Professionalism is a set of behaviours, attitudes, and values that are accepted and expected within a workplace

  • Business Compliance
  • 40 languages
  • 35m

Learning outcomes

  • Learn the key characteristics of professionalism
  • Know how to bring your whole self to work
  • Understand how to become a better professional

Covered in this course

Course contents

This training course is broken down into 2 sections

  1. 1
  2. 2
    Professionalism in Action

About this course

Showing professionalism in the workplace helps colleagues coexist and collaborate in harmony while showing commitment to the shared values of their organisation.

During this course, we establish what “professionalism” means, what its core characteristics are, and what changes you can make to become a better professional.

It’s important to remember that the meaning of “professionalism” evolves over time and it also differs between countries, cultures, and companies. Our aim is to provide a broad understanding of the underlying characteristics of “professionalism”.

The course is concise and informative and provides a printable certificate upon completion.

The importance of Professionalism in the Workplace Training

It's important that you comply with the law and understand the positive impact this training course can have on your organisation and employees.

Available in 40 languages

All inclusive

Machine translated* content is included for free with all our popular courses

It covers LMS navigation, course transcripts and test questions. If you don’t see a course listed in the language you require, just let us know.

*Content which is not English may be machine translated and is for assistive purposes only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of translations.

Our most popular languages


Professionalism in the Workplace Training certificate

Professionalism in the Workplace Training Certificate

Download and print

Each of our courses ends with a multiple-choice test to measure your knowledge of the material.

This Professionalism in the Workplace Training course concludes with a 20 question multiple choice test with a printable certificate. In addition, brief in-course questionnaires guide the user through the sections of the training and are designed to reinforce learning and ensure maximum user engagement throughout.

As well as printable user certificates, training progress and results are all stored centrally in your LMS (Learning Management System) and can be accessed any time to reprint certificates, check and set pass marks and act as proof of a commitment to ongoing legal compliance.

What does my certificate include?

Your Professionalism in the Workplace Training Certificate includes your name, company name (if applicable), name of course taken, pass percentage, date of completion, expiry date and stamps of approval or accreditations by recognised authorities.

Please note if you are using our course content via SCORM in a third party LMS then we are unable to provide certificates and you will need to generate these in your host LMS yourself.

Why is this training important?

Business benefits

When you think of the word “professionalism”, what comes to mind? Traditionally, “professionalism” was largely focused on image. A professional was expected to leave their private life at home and physically turn up, looking and acting the part of a professional.

Today, the image of professionalism is less clear. Many organisations are happy for colleagues to wear smart casual clothes, wear their hair any way they like, sport a beard, have visible piercings and tattoos, and wear comfortable shoes. Many organisations have a relaxed attitude, creating an atmosphere where people can be their authentic selves without having to leave their personality and self-expression at the office door, and some people work either partly or entirely from home. Many organisations also encourage colleagues to socialise by allowing some informality at work and by arranging social events.

The word “professional” comes from a Middle English word meaning to have professed one’s vows. The word became associated with skilled workers during the rise of trade guilds, where professionals were people who had professed their skills to others and vowed to perform them to the best of their abilities.

This is what professionalism is all about. It’s a vow to perform your role to the best of your ability by upholding high standards of conduct, integrity, and competence in everything you do at work.

Today, political, social, and technological developments have made the workforce more diverse, and although appearances and personal hygiene do still matter, the focus of professionalism is less about fitting a rigid pre-defined image and more about your behaviour and you as a person. Being committed to demonstrating integrity and competence doesn’t need high heels or a sharp suit. You can be you and demonstrate professionalism at the same time.

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