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Good ideas. Very useful


I really like the why that the videos are thought out as you can listen to the people and if you miss any information you its okay as there is a summery at the end

Communication essential people skills

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

I was good advice

It was so easy and it gave really good advice

great course great to be a part

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

it was very reassuring and helped me

thank you

Great thought provoking course

Very useful points made about use of body language to communicate, definite verbs and personal and social barriers.

Simple and effective training

Really clear and concise training material which allows simple digestion of how best to communicate whilst offering tips along the way.

Trainer was very clear and relaxing

I thought this course would be a great starter for someone with little experience. I feel like you could go futher into more details and maybe cover bigger topics such as conflicts and calming situations, this is something you pick up with experience however someone starting a communications role might need some helpful tips.


A lot of what has been discussed is common sense. Each Individual gets to know their customers over time and learns how to communicate at their level.