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I just wish I got the chance to re-do the test. I really wanted to get 100%

love it

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

it was fine

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Quality courses

These courses are very well presented and pretty straight forward to complete. I enjoy doing them to refresh my knowledge of the various topics covered .GC

Extremely useful

The Environmental Awareness training is extremely insightful and should encourage anyone who view this training to be more environmentally aware and active to climate change and use of resources.

Overlap of content and relevancy

Overlap of content and relevancy for an outside IR35 worker who has no employer.

Informative, factual

good detail and understanding of the environmental issues and challenges we face. Helps with awareness and importance of environment protection

Highly topical

This module is a must for firms, businesses and individuals who are concerned about the environment and the future of sustainability.

Ok for nine year olds.

The butterfly effect is an outmoded and discredited concept used once to describe the weather. It's the total number of contributions that matter. Accumulation not coherence.

Generally good.

The following applies to all your videos: The videos are well made. The content is generally good. However, some assertions are not based on actual scientific or technical facts but rather unproven and disputed theories or just opinions and subjective views. I was annoyed by such assertions. Please know that my replies in the tests only reflect the fact that I understand what the laws/rules/policies are in the UK, and I intend to follow them to the best of my ability, although, in few cases, they may not reflect what I actually believe in or agree with. Best regards.