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easy to follow and educational

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Interesting and enlightening

I am aware that we have global warming, but this course did make me feel I could do more and get invovled, play my part. It was well made and kept my interest throughout.

Good content and reasonable to complete.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Well thought out course

Make me want to reduce my carbon footprint even more.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Protect Our Planet

I have always been a strong advocate of good environmental practices both in the work place and in and around the home and community. I am always actively involved in raising awareness and reporting anything to my local council that causes environmental damage to my neighbourhood and surrounding areas once I detect it. If everyone of us do our bit to reduce wastage and carry out the necessary re-usage of what we have before allowing it to reach a landfill site and then carry out the correct re-cycling practices then this will go a long way in reducing the carbon emissions and greenhouse gases polluting our planet. After all, we all depend on the oxygen we need via the bio-diversity environmental principles in order to survive. As the slogan goes – Prevent waste, reduce it, re-use it, recycle it, recover it and finally dispose of it. We're all in this together. Save our planet and it's oceans from a painful death.

A stark reminder of required improvement

This course was a stark reminder of how much we still have to work towards our goals of sustainability and improvement in the global warming scheme of things. Excellent work.

This course was extremely informative

The course was an eye opener, although i knew a lot of the detail, this allowed me to understand the connections better and given me a more rounded view. I will be recommending a role out of this course internally to all staff.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Good course, well presented

Important information