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It is a educational program.

All of us need to be involve protect environment best of our level.

Was ok

I did ok but could have got all of them right

Informative and to the point.

It was a good reminder of the topic with a couple of takeaways that I will use within our EMS. Hopefully, completion of this course will get the management team thinking about changes they can make within their areas to reduce consumption and waste. Was interrupted a couple of times and ended up completing the course over a few days but system allowed me to recap before taking the test.


would be more effective is tailored to each business and has the air of "ticking boxes"


This course has given me the energy to save the environment.

Comprehensive information

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Quite useful, thank you!

Another great training

Very informative and useful

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Good overview of the Environment

Informative course, well presented and engaging.

Very informative and interesting

Disappointed that a "nannying" approach was taken – suggesting that we should eat less meat and dairy with a view to cutting out!!! It is personal choice – leave it out!!! Dangerous to suggest this without explaining about proper nutrition and balanced diet. Hence 3 stars