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Very educational

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

A well presented course

A well presented course with each topic delivering good content

Comprehensive but bit white school vibe

comprehensive and informative course. It was unfortunate that the delivery is 'white school teacher' tone and so came across as aimed at 11 year old's. Lacked diversity. Small changes would make this better.

Easy to understand

This user gave this course a rating of 3/5 stars

good and easy to understand

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very good

Spot on

Very good video easy to follow

Could not find fault on the course subject and video

OK introduction, ignores systemic issues

Well-written and presented and basically sound. However using 'the butterfly effect' as a way of talking about many small actions building up to a large environmentally-positive effect is incorrect. You cite Lorenz' original context for the butterfly effect but don't make it clear that Lorenz was talking about the sensitive dependence on initial conditions of a chaotic system and how that introduces limits on predictability when modelling the system. The idea is that the butterfly's wing flap, if left out of a weather model, drives changes in the global weather system which begin very small but take its state further and further from the model's prediction. This is the opposite of what you are talking about – environmentally-positive actions add together in a predictable way because what is predicted (for example, CO2 emissions) is averaged out over the many individual decisions. I would also have appreciated some discussion of the political aspects of the problem at a national and international level. Voting and protesting can be very powerful environmental actions!

Great course

Fantastic course

Well Structured

opened my eyes