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This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Too long

Far too long with many duplicate points within the slides.

No, 6 stars! Thought & action provoking

Thank you for putting this together. I have been interested and, like many of us, concerned about the impact we humans have on the planet for many many years; I've tried to do my bit but have always felt like a lone voice in the wilderness, until recently of course. This is an excellent piece of work, both informative and thought provoking and, as I have suggested has encouraged me to up 'my bit'

Informative, visual and interesting

I found this course extremely interesting with all the statistics and information in relation to environmental awareness. I feel the data excised from this training will really help me in my future bids and will also assist me in being more environmentally friendly in the future. I will also ensure that my family realise the impact they can have on the environment and understand how they can adapt this to be more environmentally aware.

Good information

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

very good

Well presented and informative

This is good course

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

confusing in places

I really enjoyed several of these courses but this one was particularly confusing – the 'Butterfly Effect' is mentioned throughout, interchanged with 'Ripple Effect' and various other terms but never really explained properly. I'm not sure all these terms mean the same thing… Indeed, in the test, the user is asked to tick the best explanation of the butterfly effect, which turns out to be a likening of the impacts of small actions to "a butterflies wings" – this still doesn't explain the concept properly. I see that the lesson is that small actions can lead to larger consequences – it could be made much clearer.

I have no words?

we that has to be one of the longest and most mind numbing things I have ever had to do? Looking forward to the next ones!


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars