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Environmental Awareness

Found my refresher on Environmental Awareness quite useful. Reminds you how you can make a positive impact by making small changes

Insightful content

The content of the video was insightful, I have learned a little more than I already knew about environmental impact.

It has opened my eyes to how more i can be aware personally

To the point and clearly explained

This was a very good to the point clarification regarding our environment and the impact of our actions.

Really interesting and informative

Really interesting and informative. Makes you stop and think about your day to day life and how you impact the environment.

Could benefit from being updated

The content was largely still accurate but some things could benefit from being updated. e.g. the onus is put quite heavily on individuals and not on corporations. there is no mention of larger things which can be done to reduce an organisation's impact on the environment, e.g. pension fund investment, banking options, etc.

Very informative

Lucid concise training on all environmental issues. Confirmed and added to all things I have to know about ecology of planet.

Forces popular belief upon people

The cause or even event of global warming is topic that's debated but the majority go along with the crowd. There are other opinions backed up by science that back up the rise in global temperatures etc however this course is not diverse in its teaching, saying this IS the situation, rather than "some believe this is…". Perhaps a few different views would be more beneficial to prevent force feeding only one.

Excellent course, interesting learning a

Excellent course, interesting learning about the environment and changes which can help the environment

Concise and clear

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars