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Excellent training. Clear and succinct.

Good info graphics. Made sense. Helpful, easy to implement suggestions. Felt hopeful.

Very comprehensive and easy to follow.

Very good course, full of valuable ideas on how we can reduce our carbon foot print. Easy to understand.

Interesting facts, informative.

a good reminder, very relevant, great ideas. I wanted to know more!!!! great course experience – nice visuals – loved the random questions and interactivity. Some of the questions at the end – being multiple choice – had some ridiculous/obviously not correct answers, which made it feel stupidly easy on parts

Increased awareness.

Increased my awareness of ways to help the planet.

Explain how a person can make a differen

I like the fact that the training explain you that a person can really make a difference, even when the task seems so big, also we understand how business can help to it. 100% sure this type of training should be promoted in every business.

Easy & Clear

I learn with colour and pictures, so I enjoyed the experience of working through the training. The lady presenting the training kept me interested and focused.

Possibly outdated?

Some of the terminology seems a bit outdated such as "climate change" is now preferable over "global warming". The whole thing felt like more of an information dump rather than that many practical examples of how to improve within the workplace. It would have been good to point out that some more modern energy efficient items only make sense to replace one the previous has either broken or is worn out due to the energy involved in creating the new one – for example, don't replace your car every year.

Match more situation

If the question can be related to worldwide situation not UK only, this will be better

It was a lot of waffle

There was a lot of waffle and very little content. Also as I work for home and have since the pandemic much of what was said is already being done. No printer – not wasting paper, Not driving to work = less pollution. Turning computer off makes sense as I am paying for the electricity. I think the environment awareness is really important and I've enjoyed all other courses but this one felt flat and didn't engage me.

Very long

provide the questions up front if people know a lot about the environment they should be able to skip most of this