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It was concise and to the point

Concise and to the point

An informative course.

A good thought provoking course, raising awareness of the dangers of Legionella and regular monitoring needed.

Helpful training

Training was short but helpful with the multiple choice questions at the end.

Very helpful s

Saves ✍

Very helpful s

Saves ✍

Not really worthy of a certificate as ha


Informative, concise and user friendly

A great overview of the subject.

Although informative the course could be

Although informative the course could be a lot more in depth about prevention

Learnt a lot and well presented.

This is a subject I was unfamiliar with and starting from scratch. Easy to take in and understand thanks to the format in which it was presented.


It gave me a small insight to what the dangers and causes are, ive never given it a second thought up till now