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Succinct, comprehensive and informative

I found the training interesting and easy to follow – the two built-in breaks were an effective strategy to ensure continued concentration and focus. The presenter effectively delivered information on sensitive issues in a calm, personable manner acknowledging in advance that the content my trigger some distress.

Not a great use of my time.

Full of common sense but seems to be mainly aimed at the fragile elements of the workforce. The bureaucrats have won on this one.

interesting course

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Informative, succinct, videos well paced

Covers many areas which the average person may not have come across or thought of. Offers excellent advice in diffusing potentially threatening situations from developing. Provides good advice on minimising risk and that preparation and awareness can minimise the risk in most situations


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Engaging and practical

Easy to follow and not overwhelming. Some information is common sense but other information has given me pause for thought. Good training overall.


Introducing courses without visual aids for 46 mins are hard to concentrate on – I appreciate the breaks and the subject matter but this felt fairly monotonous

very good

Very informative

for contents only

Deliverance as always excellent, however as they themselves state this training is not really ready o complete yet.

It was easy to understand

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars