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Clear, precise and very informative.

Thank you once again, i really enjoy my iHasco training. It shows me my progress along the way, offers me breaks and then tests my knowledge at the end. This is a very good way of training, thank you.

fully conprehensive

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

A little patronising – 'pack a snack'

Patronising and assumes that all workers are able-bodied. What if your a wheelchair user? Deaf? I appreciate the course can't cover everyone but an acknowledgment would be nice, especially when talking about using public transport, taxis, or minicabs – those with physical disabilities can't choose where they sit and often rely on taxi drivers to provide a safe exit or to remove strapping that actually allows wheelchair users to leave

Good advice and helpful reminders

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


The course was very interesting and it will help me in my place of work and daily life.

Very obvious

Very obvious material delivered ok

very useful

As a lone worker made me think about the possible situations get in to and as coming up to winter personal saftey.

informative, clear, detailed

thought the course was very clear and informative. For workers who have a high proportion of their work time in lone worker situations, lots of additional materials to consider. Personally, I find timings of ihasco courses under represent the time needed to complete, including the test. It takes me about a third/half longer than stated, as I take notes all the way through, and ooccasionally revist previous sections to get the information clear in my mind. This is frustrating.

Comprehensive, to the point.

Although it does make the environment appear rather more uncertain than is likely the case.

a good course

Content of this course was extremely useful for lone workers. I particularly found content around safe planning of an activity where visits are conducted to unknown places very useful for even day to day activities. How to deal during aggressive situations when alone was also very informative. Overall content and resources were adequate .