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practical sensible and useful info

Have been a lone worker on and off over my working life. this was an excellent reminder of all the things you can do to help yourself keep safe…whether at work or within social life. highly recommend.

I found the course very helpful

I enjoyed the person presenting – she was engaging and clear but not distracting. I also liked that it was broken up into bite sized pieces and we had time to digest each idea and topic. I also appreciated the leads to further information.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Really useful information

Very interesting and useful information. Makes you aware and think about possible situations and scenarios. Will be useful personally as well as professionally.

Many thanks

Very kind information.

Very Good course I learned so much


Really good

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Useful safety training

The Lone Worker Safety training course covers many useful tips and guidelines to protect one's own safety and how to be supportive to others. This includes using a buddy system and how to be vigilant when travelling between locations.

Spot on

Ideal quick & easy training for a busy work force on their own

Very good

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars