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I found this one super helpful

I found this one really helpful as ive been going through pre menopause for the last 8 months and just started on the HRT patch and all of a sudden i've started having anxiety and apparently its something that can happen when you start menopause. its something ive never experienced in my life before and find it find hard to deal with as its only been happening for the last 4 weeks, so i kinda feel this course was put up for me 🙂 , the course was very very helpful and definitely going to be trying the belly breathing. :)

Absolute gold.

It doesn't matter who you are, no one is perfect despite what they or their social media page may suggest. The reality is your life can change in an instant, whether it is something external to you, like 9/11 or something more internal, like a health condition or maybe someone important to you passing away. And you will inevitably have to cope when it happens.

useful information

some useful idea on how to keep calm and manage stressful situations

very informative

“““““`useful and easy to understand

Unique technique to get rid anxiety ,

Thank you very much for providing us this important course, I think if we follow all these technique in our daily life we can sucess in our life Billy Breathing is a really great way to relieve anxiety

Very good course and very well explained

Very good course will help in the future


Found it informative

Useful course

The course has given me some good guidance on dealing with my own anxieties, and appreciate how complex a problem this is with people in general.

Explanations and advice is clear

The ethos of dealing with anxiety is disseminated in a clear manner. Defining the scope of reaction great and small, and, splitting in to small steps and areas to relieve psychological unease and physical distress in progressive steps is impressive.

Very informative and engaging.

Great course giving good techniques on how to handle anxiety with excellent links to additional information.