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This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Too basic

Training started off well speaking about the back and body to give reasons why important but then overly went over the Golden Rules and felt very condescending.

Very good

I did learn a few things from the video…

Good course especially for new starters

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


This user gave this course a rating of 1/5 stars

Good, but could do with more interaction

Listening to 25 short videos back to back with only a small amount of interaction between them causes focus to wane, and potentially important information missed. More interaction between videos would re-engage people.

No completion certification

same as fire assessment, downloadable certification to prove that you have completed the training to provide to any sites that may ask for you to produce.


a steady where of doing a course with no fuses answers

It is very bennificial, thanks !

Receiving this training; It is very useful to reduce and prevent the risks of injury that we must comply with both in our work and in our standard life. Endless thanks to everyone who contributed. Congratulations !!!

yes very good

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars