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Very informative

Teaches us about different types of mental health and that we are supported in the work place, . Giving us tools on how to help each other

Informative and easy to follow

A constructive course and helpful for all

very good for getting a first approach

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Found course very informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Video’s are to long, I was bored

In theory it’s good, but in practice not so good

Same as other course

This was almost identical to the Mental health in Education course. The quiz questions were exactly the same!

Very good

Very informative

Very informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


Not enough for such a big issue covered too brief

I found the course very useful .

Very useful course. Presented very well with examples. What I learned can be used in improving mental health and overall health of my loved ones and work colleagues.