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That was great

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Too long

This user gave this course a rating of 1/5 stars

Helpful for my situation

The course gave a few brief methods into improvement of time management. Testing those methods will be the key to how successful they are. Th course did introduce things I was not aware of.

Some good pointers

Some good pointers, love the multitasking task

A very helpful course

Protecting our time is something many of us struggle to organise, especially if you try to help others. This is a good course.

I really enjoyed this module!

Constant refreshers in this area is good for me and following this training I wrote a SMART plan and set calendar reminders for me to look at this module again. Everyday is a school day and refreshers are as important as new learning.


Interesting to get more informations and have complementary knowledge

Very effective in our everyday activity.

One of the most intriguing course, as time management is a key factor in any organisation or one's personal development.

Feels patronising

Don't like online training especially when I have to watch videos and can't skip to the end. There is no recognition that we bring skills into the training and are just blank sheets waiting to be filled. There is an assumption that their way of teaching is the thing. I believe that training is about Practicing skills not being told what skills we should/could be using. This is didactic teaching not training. “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."― Xun Kuang I am also dyslexic, please don't see this as a leaning difficulty, and I have to have an overview before the specifics, and also have had to work hard at developing time management systems that work for me (which then go on to be used by others).


This user gave this course a rating of 3/5 stars