Anti-bullying week 2021

Posted 3 years ago

Anti-bullying week 2021

Between the 15th and 19th of November it’s anti-bullying week. This annual event helps raise awareness of the importance of tackling bullying in all settings, whether that’s the workplace, schools & colleges or even online. Sadly, when someone experiences bullying the effects can be long-lasting and negatively impact their mental health. This can result in every aspect of their life becoming challenging, whether that’s maintaining relationships or building a career, and at worst lead to devastating consequences such as suicide. This week is about showing an anti-bullying stance and encouraging everyone to choose kindness. It is also the chance to reflect on any current procedures for those reporting bullying, as well as encouraging anyone experiencing bullying to come forward for support. Tackling bullying must be a top priority, as well as reinforcing anti-bullying policies to help convey a message that it will not be tolerated.

Workplace bullying

Bupa’s Workplace Wellbeing Survey found that over the past three years workplace bullying negatively affecting wellbeing has risen from 14% to 26%. All organisations have a responsibility to create a culture of dignity and respect for their employees and protect them from bullying and harassment, however the pandemic appears to have contributed to an increase in these incidents. There should be zero tolerance for bullying and harassment in every workplace.

We have a variety of blogs to help you understand the topic of bullying & harassment further:
What is harassment?
What is workplace bullying and how can I prevent it?
The harassment pandemic in workplaces
How to create an inclusive workplace culture

Raising awareness

It’s important to create a healthy workplace culture, where staff feel happy and supported so they remain productive, proactive and successful. While effective leadership is important to help achieve this, it is also important to educate employees surrounding values and acceptable behaviours to help them feel comfortable coming forward if they have any concerns or issues at work surrounding inclusivity. Our range of online training courses can help you work towards building a positive working environment, and is a worthwhile investment considering company culture is instrumental in business success.

Online training courses:
Bullying & Harassment
Bullying & Harassment for Managers
Disability Awareness and Inclusion
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Gender Identity & Expression
Sexual Harassment Awareness
Unconscious Bias
Unconscious bias training for managers

Further information:

If you need advice or support with bullying at work you can find out more information from the following organisations:



National Bullying Helpline