June’s Course Announcements
Posted 6 years ago

Coming this June, we have two very important courses for the Care industry. They cover two of the fifteen care standards, which together make up the Care Certificate, and have been designed for all levels of staff working in the sector.
You can register your interest in the courses now! Alternatively, you can check back in with us later in the month and try these courses, with no obligation, for free! All you need to do is fill in the form at the end of the blog!
Person Centred Care Training
Scriptwriter: James Kelly
Animator: Sylvie Lin
Covering Standard 5 of the Care Certificate, our Person Centred Care Training course explains how carers should always place the people in their care at the centre of everything they do. They need to take an active role in the planning of their own care and any support provided must suit their needs, wants, desires, hopes, likes, and dislikes.
The course breaks down the values of person-centred care, known as the 6 C’s, which ensure that care and support are tailored to individuals, helping maintain identity and self-esteem, rather than blindly trying to fit individuals into existing services.
Communication in Care Training
Scriptwriter: James Kelly
Animator: Mike Brooks
Covering Standard 6 of the Care Certificate, our Communication in Care Training course outlines the absolute necessity of compassionate, empathetic, and effective communication in care.
The course looks at the different ways we communicate with one another – both verbal and non-verbal – and considers some of the many barriers that get in the way of effective communication and what we can do to eliminate them.
If you’d like to register your interest in either of these courses or if you’d simply like to see what other courses are due to be released, check out our Coming Soon page!

Jack Rosier
Content Executive
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