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Very comprehensive and educational

Very interesting course which included pertinent facts, I am definitely more environmentally aware now, thank you.

Great course

I found this couse to be well rounded and cover all aspects of the Enviroment and how we can all do our bit to save our planet for our future children

It seemed quite long winded

I accept that there was a lot of subject matter to get through, but it seemed a long module.

Vital Information

Everyone should be fully aware of how their actions/in actions contribute toward Global Warming so that we can collectively make the differences needed - together.

Good references

Highlighted everything I needed to know.

Would be ideal for a junior school.

I completed the course whilst wearing earphones in a noisy office environment. Occasionally I would need to backwards skip the video when I had missed something. The video allows you to rewind, but not skip forwards, even if you only wish to skip forward to a point you've already watched. Its frustrating, annoying, and a waste of electricity.

very good training

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

A reawakening in Enviromental Awareness

A refresh of some of my environmental knowledge, plus I learnt some facts that I did not know previously. ie the amount of waste the average person produces in a year.

Understanding the potential problems

Taking time to read and understand how precious our planet is and how each individual can make a difference, we should all try to make changes where possible

Very informative and worth taking

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars