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Interesting and thought provoking

The training course seemed to go on for a long time, but the information and the topics covered were relevant and very interesting. A lot of it was common sense.

Well intentioned, but not great.

The course is well intentioned, and the information about how all our actions affect ultimately everyone is welcome. For me however it is far too timid, giving suggestions that have been made for years, and in many cases will not solve problems at anything like the rate needed for climate solutions or carbon neutrality. A good example is the repeated urging to unplug phone chargers when not in use – but modern chargers, which most people have because of their addiction to new phones, actually use virtually zero energy when the phone is not plugged in. This is essentially a climate myth – and leading people to think they are doing their bit by unplugging phone chargers – or re-using plastic bags – essentially misinforms them. Much more will need to be done.

Great Presentation of Environment facts

Fantastic presentation that has made me aware of environmental facts that i never knew about. Everyone can make the environment a better place for this generation and future generations to come.