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Mindfully done, not overwhelming.

Content details and examples were just right.

very interesting course

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Some Useful Knowledge

There was nothing new for m in the course materials but they were well presented and gave useful pointers to suport in the workplace. Clearly the situation is slightly different in a voluntary organisations such as Rotary but the princiles are sound and the extra materials will be useful.

It was informative

It was engaging


Thought it was good because there is a lot more to mental health than I new and lerned some new points on the subject today


It is far tautological and repetitive. The presenters are patronising and long winded.


Was very informative .

Excellent MHA Training

Excellent course to understand how the stresses of wo personal life can be brough into work and vice versa and how to take time out for breathing exercises or other tools that work best for you to minimise the stress by putting it into perspective and then allowing you to prioritise your work and get on with your day in a good place, I've downloaded the take 2 minutes app to my computer.


Well worth the time to sit & learn

Excellent learning

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars