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Succinct and clear

Helpful to unpick and separate thinking issues regarding the negative and positive thinking


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Waste of Time

That course was truly pointless; it should've been added on as a few slides and words to the "mental health awareness" course – it was just full of managerial buzz words, a pointless bit of fluff to waste peoples time and will have zero impact upon anyone who may benefit. Too long, too dry, and utterly a waste of time.

It was a good course.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

It had many useful ideas

There were a lot of thins in this course which I will try to do to be more resilient in the future.

I think the content is important

I have learnt a lot about myself having watched these videos

Helped in opening my eyes.

In times of struggle, you have to understand that there is, likely, always something that you could be doing to recover/overcome the situation. This course teaches you about something which can aid you, not only in overcoming a situation but also preventing them from becoming a reality. Although not completely informative, it was to the point, and eased you into something that you may not of previously known. All in all, I found the course quite engaging leaving me with something to think about. The only down-side being too many of the same points being repeated in different sections, it left a repetitive feel to the videos.

Clear and Concise.

Well paced, easy to follow, well put together.

Nice to be able to do this in your own t

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very good

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars