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mindfulness helps being aware of moments

After doing the mindfulness training, i realise that it will help me to feel , more positive, grow in confidence and improve my skill among many other benefits. it is also good to know that it can lower one's blood pressure. i will endevour to practice my breathing which i found very useful. I will also try to take a moment each day to notice what i am thinking about good or bad. to also give each thought a label or note it down and to also accept each moment as they creep along each day.

Good Approach

This is a good approach or tool to keep mind cool & calm and how to tackle the different situations

Helped me relax

I feel this mindful training will benefit me in and out of the work place, focusing on my breathing will manage my stress at work.

Gave some useful information and tips

The trainer was welcoming and clear.


Never really knew what it meant but now have a better understanding and it is something very useful.

Really good course

I enjoyed this course as it enables us to understand and implement simple techniques which can help with emotions and mental health.

I found some of the things a bit hard

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

sensible advicand a very useful reminder

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

good revision

It reminded me clearly and simply of principles which I had previously explored.

a nice quick valuable training course

It will help me going forward as I do have numerous monkey mind madness moments most days and when I do I will try a moments of mindfulness to help me